Prior to enrolling in any degree program, you must submit a Tuition Assistance Form to the Human Resources Department for approval. This form should be completed in its entirety in order to avoid denial of the request. Graduate level courses that exceed the annual limit of $5250 set by the IRS is considered taxable income. Report any changes to course enrollments to Human Resources as they occur.
Please use this section for any additional information you need to provide (ex:initial courses cancelled - replacement courses selected)
I hereby certify that I have read and understand the provisions of the Tuition Assistance Benefit Policy & Procedure and that the information I have provided in this request is true and accurate. I further recognize and acknowledge the exclusions stipulated in the Policy. I authorize the University to deduct from my pay all fees and charges related to this application which are not paid within sixty (60) days of the beginning of this academic term. I further recognize that by signing this form, I have authorized the Payroll Department to deduct the cost of any unpaid fees and/or charges which have not been paid within 60 days of the beginning of the academic term. Additionally, I understand that upon the date of my retirement, resignation or termination, all tuition benefit assistance applicable to me shall cease. I may continue my education by remitting the appropriate tuition to the Bursar.