Request for Electronic Version of a Textbook

Request for Electronic Version of a Textbook

NOTICE: MUST Provide receipt or other proof of ownership in supporting documentation section.

Disclaimer Terms and Conditions:
I attest that I have purchased or have otherwise obtained rights to the textbook listed below and am requesting that it be converted to an alternate format to make it accessible to me. I have attached a copy of my original receipt or other proof of ownership for verification in the supporting documentation section.

I understand that, if my book is not available in electronic format from the publisher or other sources, the book will be unbound (chopped) so that it can be scanned by the volume scanner.

I am aware that this procedure may prevent my returning of the book to the bookstore for a refund.

I understand that any alternative text, which may be supplied to me, is solely for my own educational purposes.

I will not copy or distribute any such alternative text as it is a violation of the Copyright Revisions Act of 1976, as amended (17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq.).

I understand that failure to abide by this agreement may constitute a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, and/or the university ARC policy regarding the responsible use of the ARC services and I understand that a violation of any university policy, including improper distribution of electronic text, may result in disciplinary action.