2022-2023 Senior Profile Questionnaire

2022-2023 Senior Profile Questionnaire

Dear Honors Seniors,

It’s hard to believe that the end of your last undergraduate semester is almost here. We wish you the very best in completing your thesis and taking your final exams at the University!

Attached, you will find the Honors Senior Profile Questionnaire. The input boxes on the survey are expandable, so please provide as many details as you would like. Along with your completed questionnaire, please submit a photo of yourself that we may use in future publications. You can choose to submit a vertical headshot or a candid photo of yourself related to your field of study or interest.

Thank you for providing us with your information. Please email the completed profile and a photo of yourself to honors@newhaven.edu by the end of the semester. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Best wishes!

Dr. Matt Wranovix
Lynne Resnick